
Time to pay

After so many posts on how well things are going, how good food is, chemo decided to teach me a lesson. Now I know what is to be on the down side. There are ups and downs as they say, all depends on the person, nobody will escape a bit of chemo roughness, but I had apparently been lucky so far. So, if you are sensitive move on. Saving you the details. I couldn't sleep at all last night feeling like an indigestion. To start I thought too much food. Then stomach just hurted too much. Nausea followed. Should I try to vomit or not? The nurse said I better not and gave me a little pot of beautiful but very untasty pink liquid to calm the stomach. 1, 2, 3 and vomit. InstantaneousIy. It seems that was not the result expected, but oh my god, what a relief. Bit more pain, but could try to sleep at last. Since I didn't really sleep, the next hours were a mix of tiredeness, headache, stomach pain and nausea. So, back to antisickness. For the first time I had to have lunch really slowly like if each portion would be expelled straight away. Then spent the next two hours starring at the drip till I got to 14:35, the 24 hour chemo was stopped. Again, what a massive relief. Next week there is more, but that is next week. In relation to last night the good news is that memory is short, so we say in Portugal. I am now ok and that is what counts. Lesson 1: always expect the unexpected and always ask for support to deal with it. When the nurse told me the indigestion feeling was part of the chemo, I thought wait a second this was not part of the script. Nausea and vomiting yes, but not indigeston. Lesson 2: forget fast and just recall what may be needed in future, like the antisickness.


Anonymous said...

Querido Miguel muita coragem. Estamos a pensar em ti e a mandar vibrações positivas. Um beijo enorme. Natália e Morten.

Carlota said...

Como dizia o Herman, a vida é como os interruptores...
Força, Miguelucho!

Sinapse said...

Pronto, estou a ver que não é desta que te rendes às delícias do salmão ou do cabrito ... vai bebendo potássio e Pepto-Bismol!
... e entretanto, vais ficar um pro do movimento slow-food! tens que trocar impressões com a D. Rosa!

Agora a sério ... força aí! não tarda nada, já dominas esses enjoos e cabritanços e mostras à chemo quem manda no teu corpo!


aNaCoNda said...

...nada fácil! vá Migu sempre, sempre ao teu lado!! bj.

Cão Traste said...

olha realmente era o que precisava, um interruptor para apagar as enfermeiras e medicos por umas boas horas e poder dormir.

Sinapse said...
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Anonymous said...

acho que esse "comentário eliminado" era meu. devo tê-lo apagado, quando n verdade queria era enviá-lo. e o teu blog até é bem user-friendly, mas eu, realmente, n sou dotado para a informatica.

o meu comentario de ontem era qq coisa assim: "um pensamento muito positivo tb deste lado do mundo. abrc isra" ...que renovo hoje!!!

Cão Traste said...

isra pa e timor? sempre no mesmo lugar? tenho cada vez mais vontade de ai ir antes de voltares.

Anonymous said...

poe-te bom num instante e organiza-se uma festa de "(re)apresentação à sociedade"...em Dili!! Depois com reedições em diversas capitais europeias e mundiais.