
How Christmas all of a sudden becomes even more important

36 years old. Not a single year did I spend Christmas without my family. Of course there were special Christmas...the first without my grandparents from my mother side. They passed away both in the same year. The first one where my sisters had to go to their respective husbands' families. Though, being so possessive, we have been managing to get the guys to pay. The girls always should come to their families over Christmas. Then this year was already going to be special, since my father passed away in January. And I had to push boundaries by messing up the season. Christmas is so important as gathering that when I told my mother about my situation (soft approach) she didn't really get it, but the shock came when she understood I would not spend Christmas in Portugal. Family will be split this Christmas, without the traditional dinner and so on (we can always do a Christmas out of season) but it is for a good cause.
And all this to say that today in between post office, meter readings, calls to water, gaz and electricity providers, I saw Christmas decorations and thought I need gifts for my nephews and if the family comes to London I have no Christmas decorations at home. Not only there will be no "bacalhau" (let alone the massive pans required to cook it) and sweets like at home, but even no decorations. So, it was a rush rush to get gifts for the kids and those famous Christmas decoration.
Lol, I just recalled that my mother will finally get a revenge on me after spending years telling me to bring food with me from home. And me always saying: but mum if they loose my bag, my expensive clothes will be ruined. I can see her packing up...her own bag, full of Portuguese delicacies to make that special Christmas. It might be the same Christmas as usual after all.


Sinapse said...

Tens que comprar os tradicionais Christmas crackers, com os brindes! Para dar um toque british ao Natal portugues em Londres! E aquilo e' uma diversao, cada um a puxar de seu lado e o cracker a explodir!...

Cão Traste said...

lol verdade.

Anonymous said...

Nós hoje não passamos sem eles :)
Bj. M.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!