
Monday 16 more of the same

Just ten minutes chemo.No web access. Grrr!!! Eat, walk, read, write and had an haircut. Better prepare the possible loss by avoiding going on a dramatic ride from hairy cave man to the army style. Visit by S.and her wonderful cake. Doctors and more doctors, all smiles, all good.Nurses excited with all the mail I get. Bit of a stomach rough nite, not great to mix greek salad with mixed side leaf salad. Green overdose.


Sinapse said...

Comigo nunca se sabe ... sou 38 vezes mais fussy ... mas acho que ate' eu era capaz de sobreviver com esse menu!
Estou a embarcar para Mexico city, ole!
Que a semana passe rapido e te resolvam esse problema de internet.

Cão Traste said...

guacamoles, tequilla, nacos miaimmmmmmm
come por mim e lambe os dedos.
web is back. uffa.era uma questao de repor o credito no modem!!! parece que ate ganhei saude.