
Soul, stomach and intestine

C. asked me how do I feel inside and I thought, well, soul or stomach and intestine? Soul is good. Stomach and intestine could go better. Lol. If you ever had a dog and recall what the house looks like when he starts loosing hair, that is exactly what is going on in my room. If a normal person has 100,000 hairs (though I guess I was already in the range 70,000) I must be now loosing 20,000 a day. It is quite a show. I am ok about it...so far. The neutrophiles insist in being extremely low. For as long as they are low I am confined to the isolation room. I can not stretch much. I can hear the coffee being made at Costa downstairs, but I can not go there, I can hear the music shows going on at lunchtime, but I can not watch them. Hopefully all will change in a matter of days. The hospital doesn't stop surprising me. Exhibitions, music shows. The singer today was particularly excited and noisy. And I am afraid the repertoire were Christmas songs. I hope they don't repeat it every single day or I will feel I am working at some Harrods.
Note: in case your busy lives (not to mention your kids) have kept you away from new movies, singers....these are a few items to watch:
Florence and the Machine (British pop), Pixie Lott (more British pop), Paloma Faith (yes more very good British pop)
"A Single Man" by Tom Ford (yes the ex-Gucci, the man is a genius...if he was British he would be our hero, since everyone here is a hero).
BBC - School of Saatchi. Big investor goes big brother style. 6 new artists are selected to produce art, one only will win and be sponsored by Saatchi (yes the one that used to be on advertising, got hyper rich, buys nonsense art - in my opinion- and makes millions. Good for him).


Anonymous said...

Les chauves ont un charme incontestables, tu sais !


Anonymous said...

bom....viraste a time out! Hum sera sera esse o seu futuro?? :O)

olha..cade os artigos e what's going on in NYC?
PS: Hum.. vais ficar lindo como os israelenses..

Sinapse said...

eh pa, de repente achei que estavas febril ou algo assim ... entao nao e' que li Pixies em vez de Pixie Lott ... o Miguel a exaltar as virtudes dos Pixies?!

... estava a fazer uma leitura bastante 'na diagonal', admito!

... by the way, ontem vi os Pixies ao vivo, um espectaculo!

Beijos, boa noite!

Cão Traste said...

pixie lott uma moca muito pop, o meu reach e mais londres voces ajudarao com a cena nova iorquina.

Pedro Velasco said...

Que te injectem químicos que fazem vomitar, medicamentos que te deixam (ainda mais) careca e drogas que te põem a alucinar que a comida Innglesa é boa, ainda posso aceitar. Agora que te sujeitem a cânticos de Natal é que passa as barreiras da desumanidade. Explica à bifalhada que o Tratado de Lisboa inclui a Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos. Ou param com a musiqueta natalícia ou temos de partir esse Abu Graib todo!!

Anonymous said...

A caminho mais umas revistinhas cor de rosa para animar os teus dias. Natalia

Anonymous said...

Passas a ser o Yul Brynner de Viatodos, mas volta a crescer... será que depois vais ter saudades de quando eras "bald" :))

Cão Traste said...

lol Z. espero nao ter saudades. Gosta da minha penucia latina.
N. Obrigado pelo correio.
P. Lol e nem imaginas que hoje me pregaram com um trio paquistanes literalmente a porta do quarto. Uns fofos o pior comecou a ser a partir da terceira musiquinha. aquilo nao parava.