
Another day. More of the same.

Same old stuff. At least now I know what to expect. Chemo just follows its natural course. Tomorrow they should take me out the drip meaning that the levels of chemo in the blood are OK. This should make me feel a bit more free, though I am still confined to the isolation room to avoid infections. So, pretty blocked. And so warm, but at least there is a fen. The view from my room gives to an internal hospital hall, stairs, lifts, staff going up and down. And this huge decoration with giant colourful leaves and birds. Interesting. Sleeping it is still pretty much a vision due to the requirements of the medical procedures.


Sinapse said...

Não sei se já te disse ... enviámos pela Christina um "privacy please" super giro (surripiado por moi même ao Four Seasons Resort em Lanai, Hawaiiiiiii) para usares quando não quiseres ser interrompido! lol!
... põe os headphones noise-reduction, assegura-te que o "privacy please" fica bem à vista de médicos&enfermeiros, tapa os olhos com aquelas mascarilhas que dão nos aviões ... e dormitas até ao próximo turno! ;)

Cão Traste said...

lol havia de ser lindo havia. vou-me rir com os enfermeiros. olhe nao me incomodem tragam a quimio daqui a uma semana por favor.