

For the first time, in three entire weeks, I managed to sleep 8 hours in full with no interruptions. Quite an achievement. I think I even had an headache. Then I rushed to Costa for a hot chocolate. A proof of my new freedom. But it was a bit chilly (just realized how hot it was in that room) so decided not to stay in the ground floor.
Fait divers: Doctor with a good eye (after the doctor with a good nose): one of the generic doctors comes to me and asks where did I get my robe from? Well I said 'It was G. that gave it to me. I think he has stolen it from some Portuguese hotel. Though G. will say it was given to him as he is a very exquisite guest". Then gave some shop tips to the doctor. I think I have made a friend. Lol.
Note: I initially wrote rope and not robe. Lol My English sometimes falls short or my brain goes too fast and mixes the letters.


Sinapse said...

Ele gostou da tua corda? Ou do teu robe de chambre (robe)? ;-)
lol! farto-me de rir com os teus improvisos em ingles!
Entao, estas a celebrar o 1 de Dezembro? Tal como os Portugueses expulsaram os espanhois, tambem tu tiveste uma vitoria ... some freedom para uma estadia em casa! Enjoy!!!!
Beijinhos, a caminho de Montevideo,

Cão Traste said...

como e que dizes robe?

Unknown said...

Olá Miguel,
sempre chic, no matter what...

Um beijo grande de Coimbra :)

ps. «dressing-gown» embora me soe a antiquado..


Sinapse said...

Roupao e' robe (em ingles).

Anonymous said...

o que aprende por aqui, fantástico, então quer dizer que aporteguesamos o robe e deixamos o roupão... eheeh... daqui a alguns dias estarei aí e verei esse maravilhoso "roB(P)e".

bjnho. aNa

Anonymous said...

sorry, sorry... aportUguesamos, influências de espanha maltratam a nosso portugês...

xxx, bj

Cão Traste said...

be, isto ainda se torna um blogue de bom ingles. lol