
2 months have run

2 months already since I was told about my partner in crime (23/10). 1.5 at hospital (since 09/11), the rest at home. Crazy, time flies!! The world didn't change much...I got a new look. Its Christmas, almost New Year. Life goes on. So, what's next you may wonder? Next week consultation for blood tests and liver check up. Week after new blood tests and see Prof B. for next steps assessment. Then new scans.....spooky, at that stage we see if chemo has worked. Their intention is to do only two cycles, which have just finished. But you never know. All fingers crossed. And maybe some local and minimal radiotherapy to finish the process. From now on and until further notice I am resting at home, like a lazy cat. Miau miau!


Unknown said...

De certeza que vai tudo correr bem. Ficamos a torcer por ti.

Sinapse said...

Ano Novo, vida nova! Beijos e ate' breve-breve-breve! :)