
Food, food, food, visions of food

I am now in that stage where I guess I would beat any pregnancy instinct for food. I only think of food. I switch on TV and there is...food. I eat, I want more. I may end up attacking B5's Indian delicatessens. Smells so good. But, obviously that with chemo all this food visions are hallucinations. I can't eat all I want. So in order to keep me sane, I am listing what I need to do next (not in order of priority not to offend anyone) when I am out of here:
- Stuff myself in pizza Mamma Roma in Brussels;
- A calamar salad at "Fin de Siecle" in Brussels;
- Mum and sisters food in great quantity. Roasted and more roasted home raised chicken. And lodds of bacalhau;
- Antonio's pasta;
- a piece of traditional baguette with cheese, ham and butter.....yummie!
- Japanese Canteen chicken terriaki;
- a egg bacon sandwich for breakfast (now I am really gone into a British acculturation);
- a Paul grille pomme;
- some Whole Foods after gym;
- "Number 1" thai food;
- The chicken curry at Busaba Eathai;
- Sara's and Ahmet's comfy food and cakes;
- and my food of course.

Oh God! Better stop. This is too painful.


Unknown said...

Conseguiste-me abrir o apetite... (e isso é tão difícil ; )!!!

Sinapse said...

Estou em Lisboa. Vai um pastel de Belem pr'a essa lista?!

Beijinhos, Bill

Anonymous said...

Ai Migu..........estou como a Susi!
Já sabes q estas piquenas são dois bicos abertos!!! :> :> salvo seja...Mi

Cão Traste said...

ai ja me esquecia e pasteis de nata. tambem darei um saltito a lisboa para ver amigos e comer comer comer.

Anonymous said...

Passarás por Coimbra??
Eu e a Susi tratamos do leitão à bairrada, e dos pastéis de Tentugal!
tal como tu comeremos como se não houvesse amanhã!!

Cão Traste said...

ui ui, quero inferno vermelho como nos tempos da bernardo sequeira e bolo de chocolate da tua mae. beijos

Anonymous said...

bom.. vais ter de passar por sampa tambem para irmos ao Fogo de Chao e comer feijoada no Bolinha..