
Free from drip

Is it the baguette and ham speed cure? Or just the body getting quickly used to chemo? The reality is that I am now (Saturday 14:00) free from the drip. Earlier than the previous time. The body already eliminated the traces of chemo. Uff!!!! Feel less of a water fountain. Still blocked in the isolation room, but at least slghtly freer. This is the second time in a week that I conclude how impressive our body is. On Tuesday the red cells went low and the doctors decided to give me a blood transfusion. I was a bit shocked as I never had a blood tranfusion and felt, for the first time, that strange external blood would run through my veins. Almost felt like a jehova and tempted to refuse. For some, maybe bureaucratic reason, the blood tranfusion went forgotten and I even insisted on it. And two days after I didn't need it anymore!!


Sinapse said...

Tu es ... aquela maquina!!!

Sinapse said...

... e divertes-te com o sitemeter ou que?

Cão Traste said...

o sitemeter e cool. obrigadao

Micha said...

Incrivel estrategia de contra ataque, o inimigo bobeou e logo logo ganhastes terreno...Campeao! Grande cao traste! Votos uma semana muito musculada ;)

Cão Traste said...

lol Micha, e isso o bicho bobeou mesmo. e ate os neutrolfilos parecem querer correr comigo para fora do hospital logo logo.

Unknown said...

Ah, pois, que o nosso Cão Traste é "osso duro de roer"!!

Anonymous said...

Bota duro nisso!!