
Radio on the go

The radio planning has been done...in 15 minutes. You couldn't ask for quicker. And the nurse shot all the explanation speedier than Gonzalez. The bed was hard, as they kept warning, the tattoos (one in the arm, the other in the middle of the chest) are tiny and painfless (they use a needle and ink), and I kept still like a rock. I even tried to memorize every position of legs, arms and hands. I want this to go well. No moves whatsoever (as advertised in all reading material). I just had a doubt about the tattoos. If the point they made is in the middle of the chest how come they will only touch a bit of the lung? By the middle of the chest they reach heart and the full left lung. But the nurse reassured me that the tattoos do not show the area of radiation, but the position of the body. Uff! Done and the nurse told me to go to Maggie's Center (www.maggiescentres.org, see pics enclosed), that "awful" orange building outside. They offer support, like massages, etc. I thought "awful" building? But that is the famous cancer support center praised by its aestethics. You don't really discuss taste. The nurse may prefer the old building where she works to the new Maggie center, an example of cosy place, where cancer patients feel at home. Another example of British philantropy. They offer yoga, massage, relaxation and stress management courses. The lady kept insisting on stress management. I don't know if I can cope with a quiet life, but I might give it a try. Though 6 weeks of course seems a bit too much.


Sinapse said...

uau! esse Maggie's Center é lindo!
E tens 6 semanas de massagens e stress management e coaching e yoga nesse ambiente cool? Aproveita!!

Cão Traste said...

6? 4...nao me desejes 6 semanas de radio

Sinapse said...

epa, desculpa, mas tu é que referiste 6 semanas de curso no teu post ...

Unknown said...

Tb não me parece assim tão feioso...

Unknown said...

Tb não me parece assim tão feioso...

Unknown said...

Tb não me parece assim tão feioso...

Cão Traste said...

o pa susi tu mandas logo tres comentarios...iguais.
sinapse...pensei que te referias a 6 semanas de radio, que era o planeamento inicial.

Anonymous said...

eu diria que é um verdadeiro SPA.