
Laughing is good

Hi, Hi 2010. Here we are already, quick and easy. I have spent the two last days in very good physical and mental mood. If it wasn't for my loss of muscle and weight, I would have thought nothing has happened in the last 3 months. Nothing extraordinary! I don't know if it is the result of an overdose of paracetamol (just kidding! I just had 4 pills in two days) , two glasses of champagne (yes I have allowed myself some alchool after three months of water and water and water) or just the company of my friend C. that was very kind to spend New Year's eve with me. I have been laughing for two days. In such an unexpected manner, that I found myself saying several times: "C. this is not normal, this is not normal!!"....and the laughing goes on (I will get you a picture to prove the point). Maybe I expected normal to be "once you go chemo you never come back". I hope the old me is just settling now and chemo may be definitely abandoning my blood, not the least my brain. Yo! let's keep up the good work.


Sinapse said...

Qual paracetamol, qual champagne ... e' obvio que essa boa disposicao toda se deve 'a minha companhia!!

Cão Traste said...

nao devias estar a dormir? lol

Anonymous said...


Eu posso imaginar como foi bom estar com a nossa Bill.......Bastaram umas horas de convivio no sabado passado para avivarem a nossa amizade :)
Lá para p Verão temos que fazer um encontro com estadia, na praia!
Beijinhos e saudades

PS(vota....):BOM ANO!

Cão Traste said...

venha ja o verao que estou farto de nadar de pingo no nariz.