
Calling the "devil"by its right name

When I was told I had a lymphoma, I was also told that there are different types: Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's and these have sub-types. It appears I had a mix of everything. And for me that was enough. I didn't care much about knowing exactly which sub-types. Some patients like to get into all the details. For me it was enougth to know that it was curable, the cure covers different types of lymphomas and that I was in phase 1. Today, thanks to a letter exchanged between doctors I can say, with scientifical knowledge, that my diagnosis is: Mixed Non-Hodgkin's (partly diffuse large B cell and partly Burkett's) and Hodgkin's disease in the left axilla. Stage 1A (meaning not spread). There you go.


Anonymous said...

Eu gosto da parte "not spread and curable". Beijos. Natalia.

Cão Traste said...

pois eu tambem....:-) beijos

Anonymous said...

e está curado!! bjnho + bjnho meu valente Migu, toca a festejar!! quando vens a terras lusas? aNa

Cão Traste said...

ir a terras lusas ainda demora o seu tempo...estou radioactivo, ainda me prendem em algum aviao. lol