
This blog has a few more weeks to go

If you think that since the cancer is gone this blog is finished, don't rush. I will only close it after radio ends. Until there I will keep you updated on my little adventures in the health world. And I can not close this blog before ellaborating on lessons learned. So keep watching this space.


Sinapse said...

We're here! and we would love for you to keep the blog and make it a FUKITOL about politics and society!

Micha said...

Sinapse is so right! You have my vote :)

Cão Traste said...

I would love to, but the problem is that I want to comment in Portuguese on Portuguese society and politics. We shall see.

Unknown said...

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeee!Não abandones os teus fieis leitores!

Cão Traste said...

nao vos desiludirei