
I need to teach them how to count

The radiologists keep surprising me. What saves me from deception is that I am in between doctors and nurses and try to reconcile the things each side says. When I saw the doctor she told me about 3/4 weeks of radio. Then I started and the nurse said it would be 10 days. Then I saw the doctor and she said it would be 18 days. Next , the nurse says it is going to be 15 days. And in the middle of all this I was like "are you sure nurse?". Bottomline, it will be 18 days. 9 more sessions to go. Coooolllllll!! And I only need to see the oncologists in 3 months time. In between I need to rest and behave.


Anonymous said...

Altura perfeita para tratarmos das nossas próximas férias em conjunto - vamos lá pensar num programinho à maneira. Comecem as sugestões. Beijos Natália.

Cão Traste said...

ui ui eu ja tenho agosto no equador para um casamento.....a costa vicentina parece-me bem e sempre e a contribuir para a economia nacional.ve isto: www.aldeiadapedralva.com

Unknown said...

Conheço e recomendo! Era uma nice para a nossa grupeta!

Cão Traste said...

conhece? foi la sem nos?