
Their "Fukitol"...my "Fukitol"

When my friend C. gave me the idea of calling my blog fukitol (in a blunt against cancer) I knew that was inspired in the logo on the pill enclosed here below. But I thought this "Fukitol" pill was a joke, like a spam message. However, "Fukitol" indeed stands for a website on these pills. Well, I haven't really made up my mind whether the blog is all a joke or if there are really pills. You tell me. Anyway, when you create a blog you can see who reads you. Or even better you can see how many people read you everyday and from what country. And you can see what they are looking for. That is, either people know my blog and they type the url or they don't and they google. In certain cases people (from Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Canada...????) have googled FUKITOL. Not my blog, but the pills. I hope they were not to disappointed with what they have found.

1 comment:

Sinapse said...

Oui, c'est moi! :)