
Taste is gone

No panic...I am not talking about taste like in style. No, no, that one is still there these days. I hope. Lol. Food taste left me. Almost unannounced. How do I know? Facing a pizza at lunch today. The fight of the meals. Pizza margherita versus Miguel's appetite and taste. I won, I mean I ate the pizza, but was it a pizza? It could have been have been fish and chips in disguise. To confirm the loss I moved to the beautiful strawberries I bought at M&S. Beautiful, you know, like when you are in normal taste conditions they look pretty good but end up quite plastic fantastic? In this particular case I could see the strawberry but it could have been a potatoe as well...from the taste....less. Quite an experience. It is almost like molecular cuisine, so en vogue by El Buli. With a variation in my case, on molecular cuisine you see a strawberry but it tastes like an olive, for instance. In my case it tastes nothing. I am taste neutral, no reason to complain about food now. Maybe I should try lamb and saumon. But, as the brain is still working I guess it would be a no go. It will come back though, it will come back, sooner or later. The food taste. Miam!


Anonymous said...

Mike, pelo menos o outro "good taste" não te abandonou... Quanto às papilas gustativas, tenho a certeza que voltarás a ter o prazer da degustação logo que o tratamento acabar... Marta

Cão Traste said...

logo que o tratamento acabar? OMG, pode ser que em surpreenda e volte antes. assim como minguem quer a coisa.

Unknown said...

Experimenta o salmãozito, só p/ tirar as teimas... ; )

Anonymous said...

Isso ainda são os efeitos secundários de teres deixado de comer coisas boas from portugal :)

Cão Traste said...

nao consigo experimentar o salmao. e mais forte do que eu. ZT tens razao tanta coisa boa portuguesa deu em fartura.