
Maneis have found me

I am sure that the Portuguese assistant M.I. couldn't resist telling Manuel on the left and Manuel in front that the guy on their side yesterday was also Portuguese. This despite me asking her for her silence. Mistake, I did not pay her silence. Today I got the visit of Manuel in front. Nice and quiet guy, just came to bring me a paper I forgot. Meaning good excuse to establish the contact. Then I went to the loo and came accross Manuel on the left. OMG, I know now what he thinks of the NHS, doctors, all his treatments, the last 5 months of problems, how his glandule went from a olive size to an orange size.....and what an headache I had at the end. Each time, I tried, to interrupt him, he would say "listen, listen' (Portuguese: "ouca, ouca") and would go on. Am I like this as well? After this episode I had a team building session with myself around my previous visits and I realized that I told them non stop everything about my situation from the GP meeting to the moment I saw the person!!! I should maybe re-assess and ask visitors if they have any questions. Lol. At least they were both nice and did not expose my silence yesterday. i said i had a lot of headache and had to rest. Manuel on the left, in his typical Portuguese sofa coach approach, said: "Oh I realized it, you looked so white". Thank you mate, at least I don't look a bit greyish like you.


Pedro Velasco said...

Caro Mike,
Desculpa ser coisa de última hora, mas posso visitar-te amanhã? Posso estar aí por volta das 16.30 ou 17.00. Na 5a à tarde também é possível, se te der mais jeito. O teu telemóvel funciona?
Um abraço

Cão Traste said...

Claro que sim vem dai Pedro. Telefone e o mesmo. Abraco

Sinapse said...

... eu vi logo que a Maria Ivone ia dar com a língua nos dentes!

... olha, e amanhã vais contar ao Pedro Velasco tudo sobre os CT scans, e as rondas dos enfermeiros, e a tua primeira consulta com o GP, ...

Cão Traste said...

tudo, tudo espero que ele tenha tempo

Sinapse said...

lol! ... claro que ele vai ter tempo, Manel Miguel!