
It is snowing

Yep, it is snowing outside (inside only a lot of fluids and chemo going again through my hickman line). It won't stay...the snow. But it is nice as a prelude of a white Chritsmas. My large window view is complete with a now massive sea of lillies. The Kentucky friend of Mr B2 is very extravagant, very good friend and sent him 5 huge bouquets of lillies. I just hope my nose can cope with such garden once all these flowers start blossoming. Bckground music...the wife of B5 reciting some kind of religious book. Pretty annoying really. The rythmn is a killer. Shall I start revicing the Bible like an American TV evangelical presenter or simply histerically praised the Lord? Oh! No. She is now singing. Let me try to sleep a bit.


Carlota said...

Aqui em Bruxelas também cairam uns floquitos de neve à hora do almoço. E estava sol...

Anonymous said...

Aqui tb está um frio danado, mas chove em vez de nevar!
Estou a ´bimbar' um pudim de atum para o jantar.Tenho aulas até às 21.30 e qd chego a casa tenho q jantar rapidamente...caso contrário viro ONÇA....daquelas perigosas ;).Logo volto cá para te 'ver'.....1000 beijos

Anonymous said...

Miguel! Sounds like atleast the outside world is getting ready for REAL Christmas. In Mexico City it is sunny and 25 degrees... I am happy to go to Brussels and face winter, even if I am prepared that it will be 3 degrees and "moist wind" as my fathers calls the rainy and windy weather so typical for Brussels.

Hope to see you at year end, I am trying to get myself to London to come and see you! Will keep you updated.

besossss, Ulla

Cão Traste said...

oh the wonders of snow and sun from mexico to europe. at leat we always enjoy both sides.
mi para que me poes com agua na boca....quer dizer li pudim e pensei em abada de priscos. na verdade atum nao e o meu forte.

Anonymous said...

Aqui estou de novo! o pudim já era! comeste muito atum em Braga,foi?
Agora que falste no pudim do abade.....tb ja marchava..

Anonymous said...

Oh Mike, queres que envie um pudim abade de priscos pela tua mãe para o Natal??? A caminho mais revistinhas. Beijos e muita força. Natália.

Cão Traste said...

lol obrigado natalia, mas as malas da mae ja estao cheias com hortalica. a minha irma logo me faz um belo pudim.